Barbie Dolls Collection > 80s Barbies > Pink & Pretty Barbie 1981

Pink & Pretty Barbie 1981

Pink & Pretty Barbie is sophistication made doll! She out-dazzles them all with her over 20 absolutely dreamy looks! This vintage Barbie is one of the most stylish dolls released by Mattel in the 80’s!

Pink & Pretty Barbie doll #3554.

Pink & Pretty Barbie is so pretty and so pink! This is a very versatile beautiful Barbie doll. If when you were little you liked fashion and changing your dolls’ clothes over and over again, surely you played with Pink & Pretty Barbie. I have the version made in Taiwan in 1981. I remember that she was one of the most representative Barbie dolls of her time. If there was only one Barbie doll that could show us the classic world of Barbie fashion from the early 80’s it would surely be Pink & Pretty Barbie!

Pretty superstar face, made in Taiwan!

Pink & Pretty Barbie has a pretty superstar face with cute blue eyes. She has a soft and delicate makeup that goes well with her pink look. Her long hair is honey blonde and can be styled in many ways. I personally prefer to style her as she originally came, with her classic Barbie ponytail. As an interesting fact, you should know that they produced so many Pink & Pretty Barbie dolls that they marketed her in Europe as a rare version of Golden Dream Barbie!

Barbie can’t decide which look to wear! No matter how she mixes and matches her clothing pieces she looks gorgeous!
Pink & Pretty Barbie looking at herself in the mirror. Doesn’t she look beautiful?

Pink & Pretty Barbie has an amazing wardrobe of over twenty different pretty pink looks! She wears her luxurios faux fur stole, shimmering long pink skirt or pants, glamorous furry-trimmed overskirt and silver and pink fitted bodice as a fabulous formal ensemble. There’re so many gorgeous ways to wear the skirt, and so many glamorous ways to wear the pants! But when Barbie mixes and matches these versatile fashion pieces with her furry trimmed hat she takes her look to another level! She can even wear her hat as a peplum around her waist or over shoulders!

She’s combing her beautiful long hair with her brush.

She also comes with a glittery ring, dazzling dangling or post earrings, and necklace. Her jewelry set is identical to the one that comes with Crystal Barbie. Right now I can’t remember any other Barbie that brings this same set of jewelry. In addition, Pink & Pretty Barbie comes with pink heels, a brush, comb, “perfume” bottle, and “mirror” with decal…all the accessories she needs to get ready and look beautiful and sophisticated!

Pink & Pretty Barbie is ready to go! She decided to wear the classic sophisticated look that has always characterized her.

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