About me
Greetings from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, and welcome to my blog! This is a space where I share my Barbie dolls collection and Barbie-related items from 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. I grew up playing with Barbies, but started collecting them as an adult. It all started as a hobby during the difficult time of the most recent health crisis.
Here I share photos of my collection, give a brief description, and offer my personal opinion. I collect Barbie dolls and Barbie-related items, such as playsets, fashions, trading cards, books, and others! Collecting Barbies brings back great and pleasant memories of my childhood, when everything was easier and simpler than now.
This site is in no way associated with Mattel. It is for entertainment purpose only. I hope you enjoy it and it makes you smile. Remember, when we work hard and fight for our dreams we can do anything. Right, Barbie!
Hi. I have a Barbie Ceiling Light shade from 1990. It’s in very fine condition. Barbie Glass Ceiling Light Shade 1990 Mattel Inc Fixture and she is rollerskating and holding a beach ball. I was wondering if you knew anything about this item? I would appreciate any info I can get. There are not many to be found on any of the online marketplaces. Thanks.
Hi! Thanks for your question. I had to do a Google search about the item you mention and the truth is that it is the first time I have seen it. Not much information appears so I think it must be rare. That Barbie ceiling lamp shade is really beautiful!
Hi, I am a designer in Missouri and I have a client with an extensive Barbie playset collection. She has been collecting them for years to give to needy children. She is now at a point in her life where she needs to slow down and is heartbroken about her collection. Is there a place to sell her items to Barbie collectors? She is finding it hard to let them go to the charity shops.
We appreciate any advice you may have.
Hi, thanks for your visit! Regarding your question, as a collector of Barbie dolls I have always purchased them on Ebay. Your friend could try to sell them there, perhaps at auction, or become a member of collector groups on Facebook where she can offer them for sale.