Grab your swimsuit and jump into this Barbie Extra dream car! Ride top down in style, and dip into the pool on those extra hot days!

These two Barbie Extra Hot Wheels, released in 2022, are part of the Tooned Series and were designed by Kevin Cao for Hot Wheels. Made in Malaysia, these open-top sports cars have wing-shaped doors! These come in extra fun, Barbie-inspired metallic colors.

HCX32-M9C0F Barbie Extra Hot Wheels in pink

Barbie Extra Hot Wheels in pink comes with a gray base and interior, ocean blue window tint, chrome magenta wheels and gray tires. It also has star-shaped blue headlamps & red taillamps, and the Barbie Extra logo on the hood and rear.

HCT35-M9C0F Barbie Extra Hot Wheels in grayish-silver.

The Barbie Extra Hot Wheels model in grayish-silver has a hot pink base and interior. It also has ocean blue window tint with magenta chrome wheels and black tires. The star-shaped headlamps are yellow and the taillamps are orange. The Barbie Extra logo is on the hood and rear.


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