Let’s rock n’ roll to the soda fountain where this pretty girl will welcome you with a tasty milkshake! She’s Malt Shoppe Barbie, a cool Barbie doll in a hot 50’s look!

Malt Shoppe Barbie from 1992 was made in Malaysia and is one of the coolest 90’s Barbie dolls in my collection! This cute Barbie is a limited edition from Toys “R” Us. With her vintage 50’s style, Malt Shoppe Barbie captures the nostalgia of that decade, years of great growth and significant change, and of course, of Rock n’ Roll!

Malt Shoppe Barbie has her beautiful long light blonde hair styled in a side ponytail and also wears bangs, a signature Barbie hairstyle. She has beautiful and expressive blue eyes with pink detail, made up with a very subtle and light blue eye shadow. She also has lips in a pale pink tone. As you can see, Malt Shoppe Barbie really has a very lovely face!

Malt Shoppe Barbie’s retro outfit consists of a plush pink fabric sweater bodysuit and a poodle skirt, iconic of the 50’s era. The short, wide skirt in light blue has a pink poodle dog print on it and has a kind of pink can-can underneath to add volume, as well as a white satin belt integrated into the skirt. To complete the vintage look, she wears a pink scarf, white tennis shoes, and pearl earrings and ring. She also brings a pink hairbrush. For more fun play, Malt Shoppe Barbie includes two plastic soda cans, two malts, and a serving tray! In addition to that, she came with a Dairy Queen coupon for a free kid’s cone! (I think it’s already expired!)

Have you seen my Barbie Malt Shop Diorama featuring Malt Shoppe Barbie and other fun Barbie dolls? If you haven’t seen it yet, visit here.