The first issue of Barbie Fashions Comic from 1991 is full of stylish stories and trend-setting tips! Plus, you could design your own outfits for Barbie!
In 1991, Barbie made her debut in a Marvel comic book for the first time. Two first comic issues came out together in January of that year: Barbie and Barbie Fashion. The two comic books, full of Barbie’s adventures with her friends, fashion tips and activities, were available at local newsstands and comic bookstores for $1.00 each. This first issue of Barbie Fashion, in addition to bringing fun main stories with colorful illustrations, also includes lots of fashion features like “Be a Jewelry Designer,” “Button Up,” “Barbie Drawing Board,” “Career Quest,” and the opportunity to design your own outfits for Barbie, which you could send by mail and if it was one of their favorites it could appear in a next issue! Here are some of the illustrations from the first issue of Barbie Fashion Comics.